A really super week focusing on mental health, an area which is so important to us as adults, and to our children, if we are giving them strategies, skills and attitudes to develop as they get older. Recognising how important confidence and resilience are in developing character is something we really value at TMS, and the ability to learn how to be kind how to resolve conflict, how to show integrity and many more values which contribute towards having a positive mental health. We also talk through how it is to recognise the normality of feeling low at times, or having a down day – this is normal and we need to recognise how to build on this. It has been wonderful to see our children wearing what makes them happy – definitely putting a smile on everyone’s faces!
We are committed to raising standards across the curriculum and have continued with our monitoring schedule this week! After thoroughly examining writing last week, Mr. Knight and Miss Bryant have been focusing on monitoring art, while Mrs. Lara and Mr. Wake have been reviewing mathematics today. It is exciting to work with such brilliant leaders, and also a team of staff who are all keen to develop and drive standards up.
Next week, Mrs Jerome-Snell will be fronting Safer Internet Day and there are already links on the website about how you are able to work with your children on this. It is always a challenge to keep ahead of the children in knowledge, but above all, transparency and sharing the interest is always a good way to start these conversation at home.
We look forward to seeing you all next week at Face to Face meetings to share and celebrate your children’s learning!
Have a great weekend
Ms Teagle
Suzannah Teagle, Headteacher
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