We hope you all had a lovely half term, and it has been wonderful seeing the children back at school. Staff at TMS enjoyed a fantastic 2 days of INSET, both days with staff attending events with nationally renowned speakers, matching our enthusiasm for learning and allowing us to gain new knowledge through recent research based projects as well as inspiring us to move forward in our development.
This is a wonderful half term, really getting stuck into our learning and ending with many Christmas events, which you will find on the school website.
Next week is incredibly busy! On Monday, we will be commemorating Armistice Day, and many thanks goes to Mr Pope who will be joining us in playing The Last Post. We also have Antibullying week and ending on Children in Need on Friday. We will be having a Bake sale in the hall after school. Please support the school and the charity by either baking a cake, buying cakes, and please contact the school office if you are able to spare 30 minutes in helping set up and to help sell the cakes.
This week is all about kindness and thinking of others – what a week!
Ms Teagle
Suzannah Teagle, Headteacher
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