A fantastic week full of learning, a learning visit to Penlee and sporting achievements! A brilliant well done to our school netball team who are through to Cornwall School Games final, children who completed in the school swimming gala and also our KS1 multiskills team who, on their first outing representing the school, did an amazing job! As many STAR learning units are coming to an end, children are doing a fantastic job at retrieving key information and making links between this learning, prior learning and asking questions about what can be learned next. Miss Bowen, who took the Year 3 class to Penlee couldn’t believe how much historical understanding the children had!
The children and staff have been fantastic this week in coping with change. With many staff members off, existing staff have adapted in supporting different classes and duties, as well as supporting the sports and learning visits which we were still determined to take place.
A reminder to everyone, that next week, there is an INSET day on Friday. All staff will be at school being trained on our new phonics scheme ‘Little Wandle’ and we hope that you have a fantastic extended half term!
Ms Teagle
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