Welcome to EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)

Where learning is fuelled by creativity

What to expect in EYFS

Early Years Foundation Stage (or EYFS) is where your child is welcomed into school and experiences the foundation of their learning journey within the community of TMS.

Our learning environment includes two adjoining classrooms and our own wonderful outdoor area where lots of exciting learning takes place. We also regularly use the school hall and fields.

We have daily phonics sessions with Little Wandle, as well as maths sessions and STAR learning (teacher led), and there is plenty of opportunity for the children to investigate their learning within STAR exploration (child led)!

Dojo is a secure online Learning Journal where we post a blog each Friday with an update and photos of the learning that has taken place in EYFS during the week, as well as any reminders! Every week, there is an update on the newest sounds learned. The children will love talking to you about their photos and you will have the opportunity to talk to them about their learning!

Each Friday Miss Grubb and Mr Knight send home a home learning sheet which has all of the GPCs taught that week and how to pronounce them. There is also words to blend and any tricky words we have taught that week as well as an information sheet for each GPC taught that week, this includes the formation phrase and lots of practice activities. The children love showing off their learning at home!

If you have any questions about Dojo, or anything else regarding your child at school, please come and talk to us.



What we’re learning - 2024- 2025!

Curriculum overview 2024-2025

Zooming into Autumn 2024

Zooming into Spring 2025

EYFS Launchpads 2024-2025 (End points)

PSHE 2024-2025

Maths 2024-2025

Writing 2024-2025

Art 2024-2025

Geography 2024-2025

History 2024-2025


Computing 2024-2025

DT 2024-2025


Support your child’s learning at home

Little Wandle phonics and early reading

Here is a link to the parents section of the Little Wandle website which gives information on how to support your child with their phonics learning, including videos of sounds taught, blending and tricky words. There is also information about the books your child brings home ~ a Little Wandle reading book for your child to read to you, and a sharing book for you to read to them!


We send home a reading diary for you to record the books you and your child read, which includes information about Little Wandle phonics and letter formation, and a ‘sounds pouch’ to practice sounds and blending.

Please use Tapestry to send in photos for your child to share with their class ~ a great opportunity to develop communication and language skills as well as boosting confidence!