Year 1 is a really exciting time for you and your child. Moving from Early Years into the first year of the National Curriculum can feel like a big step, but please don’t worry, some of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum may be carried on with your child as they move to Year 1.
Your child’s day will be more structured than it was in Early Years but we love storytelling, practical maths and exploring topics through our STAR learning.
We are very lucky that the Year 1 classrooms open out into a secure learning area. This means the children will be learning through play – exploring, discovering and plenty of role-play, both indoors and out.
There is a Year 1 statutory phonics screening test in June. This will identify if your child can read phonically decodable words. Your child will have a daily phonics session to teach them how to blend to read and segment to spell.
Curriculum map 2024-2025
Zooming into Autumn 2024!
Writing 2024-2025
Maths 2024-2025
Art 2024-2025
Science 2023-2024
PSHE & Online Safety – 2024-2025
DT 2024-2025
Computing 2024-2025
History 2024-2025
Geography 2024-2025
Your child will be given a STAR learning homework grid at the start of each term, with a range of project-based learning activities for your child to do at home. This is to give all children the opportunity to shine and get excited by learning, in whichever area their strengths are. You can help as much or as little as you like – even grannies and grandads can get involved!
Homelearning grids 2024-2025
Please remember in EYFS and KS1 we expect parents to be hearing their child read their decodable phonics book at least 3 times a week. Your child should read this book fluently and with expression. A sharing book will be sent home each week for you to enjoy reading with your child. This can be written in as a read with your child into their reading diary or any books from home you have enjoyed together. Our teachers are always eager to find out the reading interests of their class. Please remember it is important you sign your child’s reading diary as these are checked regularly by your child’s teacher.
In Year 1, as well as phonics, we learn a number of common exception words. Download this list to practice at home: Year 1 common exception words (words which cannot be sounded out).
The end of year 1 expectation is to be able to;
You can help your child in a variety of ways. The most powerful way will be through discrete and fun activities such as counting out the cutlery for dinner. Disguise the learning! Whilst in the car read a number from a number plate and ask your child to find 1 more and 1 less.
Try to keep any home learning light, and don’t push it if they seem tired or reluctant. The most important thing is to talk with your child about their learning and enjoy seeing the enthusiasm on their face.