Welcome to Year 6

Where learning is fuelled by creativity

What to expect in Year 6

As the last year in primary school, we are really important! This is the year where we take on more responsibility and become a member of a subject team – our opinions and ideas are vital to the development of our school. As the oldest children in the school we lead by example in all that we do from our behaviour to our learning. Of course, we will be ready to relish the challenge of KS2 SATs at the end of the year!

What we’re learning: 2024-2025!

Curriculum Overview 2024 – 2025

Zooming into Autumn 2024

Zooming into Spring 2025

Year 6 Zoom meeting Spring term

Year 6 Launchpads 2024-2025 (End Points)

Writing 2024-2025

Maths 2024-2025

Art 2024-2025


DT  2024-2025

Computing 2024-2025

PSHE, RSE & Online Safety 2024-2025

Geography 2024-2025

History 2024-2025



Homelearning & Spellings - how to support your child at home

STAR learning at home

Online Learning:

Spelling Lists have also been set as weekly assignments on Spelling Shed

20 Minute weekly sessions have been set on TTRS

Homelearning plans 2024-2025

If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Year 6 team.

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please find below the home learning for the autumn term. We understand that you and your children have busy lives; however, we hope that you will be able to find time in your week to complete the pages indicated.

We will be marking home learning on Fridays. If the children have completed their learning earlier than that, we recommend them bringing it in and putting it away safely in their tray until Friday.

Please note: The pages are generally in order as best as possible, however we have adapted the sequence in some cases where the children will not have been taught that topic yet. The aim is that all pages are revisiting learning which has already been taught!

Thank you in advance for your support,

Mrs Jerome-Snell Mr Wake Mr Hamshar



Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures. In fact, reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.

We encourage children to read at home every night, either to themselves or to an adult, whichever is appropriate. We also believe it is important that children are read to frequently – it helps develop their language skills, and gives them quality, calm time with a family member whilst enjoying a book.

In KS2 your child is able to bring 2 books home from school – one book banded book and one sharing book (fiction or nonfiction). We encourage you to share these books with your children, ask them questions about what they have read and discuss stories with them



Spellings are assessed on a daily basis through games and in their writing, and it’s great to practice these at home whenever you get the opportunity too.

Statutory spelling list for Years 3 and 4

Statutory spelling list for Years 5 and 6


Children having a rapid recall of times tables and associated division facts is also a must. Periodically we’ll send home activities or signpost resources that will support children with mathematics, particularly ones that help children feel prepared for their end of KS2 tests.

Spelling Menu

Times table Menu


This year’s residential - LONDON - 19th, 20th and 21st May 2025

Year 6 News