To do this, we strive every day to create an environment where everyone is welcome, where learning is fuelled by creativity and where great things happen.
This section explains how we do this; how we help our children learn, how we keep our children safe, how we help children who need additional support and how we reward and celebrate our successes.
Learning at TMS starts at 845 and finishes at 315. Children are at school for 32.5hours per week.
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England. It’s designed to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities perform better, and close the gap between them and their peers.
In the 2023-2024 financial year, schools will receive £1,455 for each pupil registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years. Additionally, schools will receive £2,530 for any pupil who has been adopted from care or who has left care or are looked after by the Local Authority, is or has been part of a special guardianship order.
In the 2024-2025 financial year, schools will receive £1,480 for each pupil registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years. Additionally, schools will receive £2,570 for any pupil who has been adopted from care or who has left care or are looked after by the Local Authority, is or has been part of a special guardianship order.
Pupil Premium Action Plan 2017-2018
Pupil Premium Action Plan 2018-2019
Pupil Premium Evaluated Action Plan 2019-2020
Pupil Premium Action Plan 2020-2021
Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2025
The school can qualify for Pupil Premium for your child if you receive one of the following:
If you believe that you may qualify for this funding then please download and complete this form and return it to the school office. You can also complete the form online on Cornwall Council’s website.
School leaders are best placed to assess their pupils’ needs and use the funding to improve attainment, drawing on evidence of effective practice. Pupil premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils and schools are not required to spend all of the allocated grant on eligible pupils.
It is for school leaders to decide how to spend the pupil premium, within the requirements of the conditions of grant.
Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when used across 3 areas.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Mrs Claire Ewart supported by Miss Katie Webb
Governors: Jasmin Tregidga
Find out more out SEND – CLICK HERE
Our Anti-bullying team is headed up by a team of people, who work closely together to ensure that all children feel safe and kindness and respect for each other is celebrated. This team meet twice every half term to share ideas, plan initiatives and events and evaluate the work which is going on.
At Threemilestone School we aim to:
Bullying is when someone hurts someone else, more than once, by using behaviour or words which are meant to frighten or hurt that person.
Bullying can be…
Emotional: hurting people’s feelings, leaving someone out.
Physical: punching, kicking, shoving, spitting, hitting, pushing.
Verbal: being teased, name-calling, saying things behind a person’s back.
Written: letters, notes, graffiti.
Racist: calling someone names because of the colour of their skin or religion.
Cyber: saying unkind things by text, email or online.
We work closely with the anti-bullying alliance. They define bullying as:
“The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or on line.”
We recognise that bullying does not just happen in the playground or just at school. It could be physical, verbal or emotional and can happen to anyone, at any time. National statistics also show that online bullying (cyberbullying) is on the rise, more so than any other type of bullying, due to our young people having more access to electronic devices.
Click here for Cyberbullying information
The Anti-bullying alliance has set up a link for families to complete an online module to support our children and work closely with the school.
Click here for the link for families.
We take every incident seriously, no matter how big or small it may be. Many young people might be afraid to tell an adult or parent, which is why parents and teachers need to be aware of the signs of bullying and to pay attention to what is going on with their child or student.
In school, as part of our curriculum and in assemblies, we talk about anti bullying and give children strategies to support themselves when they are experiencing any forms of bullying. WALK, TALK, BUDDY UP is our motto.
WALK: walk away from the bully
TALK: talk to someone safe and who can help you
BUDDY UP with a good friend
The ethos of our school celebrates teamwork, kindness and patience; we recognise and celebrate similarities and differences.
Classes have boxes or worry monsters where children can write a note to an adult if they have a worry, or children can speak to an adult directly. Many children find telling a friend, who then tells an adult on their behalf, the most effective way of finding a solution to the difficulty.
Families are often the ones who notice their child is unhappy at school. And for some children who put on a brave face at school, an adult at home is the best person to tell. If you feel your child is unhappy because of bullying, please tell us as soon as possible. We do recognise that some children fall out with a friend and make up the next day but the phase repetitive and intentional is key when understanding the difference.
Any incidents of bullying are recorded on our CPOMS system at school and the Headteacher informs parents of any serious incidents.
How the children feel about our anti bullying systems
We asked the year 6 children who are about to move onto secondary school to tell us what they thought about anti bullying systems here at TMS. Here are just a few of their thoughts:
“I find having a worry monster in my class helpful, so I can tell me teacher that I am worried about something. She always checks it and I know she will listen.”
“ I found it helpful when my teacher sat us all down together to discuss our issues. We are now all friends.”
“ My teacher takes us out individually and listens to everyone’s side of the story and tries to resolve it, in a way that doesn’t make it worse. This really helped me.”
It is crucial that children have regular attendance at school to achieve and get the best start in life. Learning is always linked to previous experiences, and so understandably, if our children are in school, their learning will flourish. It is also important for developing a healthy work ethos, as well as maintaining social relationships.
The national average for attendance in primary schools is 96%, and in 2022-2023, TMS had the average of 95%
If a child’s overall absence rate is 10% or higher, he/she is classified as a persistent absentee.
Find out more about authorised absence and what to do if your child can’t attend school in our attendance policy.
TPAT:TMS CP Policy Covid-19 Annex
TMS – Whole School Covid 19 September 2020 reviewed 05.11.20
TMS – Whole School Covid 19 September 2020 reviewed 15.12.20
TMS – Whole School Covid-19 March 2021
TMS – Whole School Covid-19 March 2021 reviewed 10.03.21
Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge.
The government has announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up. This includes a one-off universal £650 million catch-up premium for the 2020 to 2021 academic year to ensure that schools have the support they need to help all pupils make up for lost teaching time.
Schools’ allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years reception through to 11. With 420 children on roll, Threemilestone School will receive £36,960.
Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances.
At TMS, we are passionate about recognising and rewarding the positive behaviour of our children. Our school has a clear set of rules, and staff focus on emphasising the fantastic impact it has when children lead by example in following them. Our three rules are:
These values are at the core of everything we do, and so we reward examples of any of these rules with a STAR Token.
The children at TMS belong to one of four teams. These teams are reorganised every term so that children get to experience working together with lots of different members of our school.
When a child earns a STAR Token, they place it into a tube that corresponds to their team’s colour. There are tubes in every classroom, so the children can see how many tokens their team currently has. Once a team fills their tube, the children in that class that belong to the particular team earn some STAR Time. It is up to them how they wish to use this STAR Time! Meanwhile, the full tube is swapped for a TMS Planet, which is added to the TMS Galaxy. When the Galaxy is full, the whole school shares in a Supernova celebration!
It is important to us that every child has their chance to shine, and so no tube of tokens is emptied before it is full up. Every team collects tokens at its own pace, and just because another team may get there first, it doesn’t mean that the others have to start all over again!
Children can earn more than one STAR Token for receiving a Headteacher’s Award or being chosen as Star of the Week!
The primary school sports premium investment goes direct to primary school Head Teachers and is designed to support improvements in the quality and depth of PE and school sport.
PE Sport Premium report 2017-2018
PE Sport Premium report 2018-2019
PE Sport Premium report 2019-2020
PE Sport Premium report Underspend 2019-20
PE Sport Premium report 2020-2021
PE Sport Premium report 2021-2022
PE Sport Premium report 2022-2023
PE Sport Premium report 2023-2024
At TMS we value the views and opinions of all our stakeholders. For all members of our community to feel ‘part of something’ we place high emphasis on the school questionnaires. These go out to families, staff and children every February.
Parent:Carer Questionnaire Feedback February 2018
Parent:Carer Questionnaire Feedback February 2019
Parent: Carer Questionnaire Feedback February 2020
Parent:Carer Questionnaire Feedback Jan 2021 (Remote learning)
Parent:Carer questionnaire Feedback February 2022.