These spellings are aimed at ANYONE from ANY year group! The English language is so tricky, and there are so many rules to help you spell – and then there are so many spellings which break the rules! With some words, you need to find a way to remember, and here are some ideas! They are not the only way to remember, just an option!
MEMORY HELP! In school we have learnt about 11 different strategies to help us remember – there are 2 links here – CLICK HERE for the 11 strategies (CALM PAST REV) and CLICK HERE for how those strategies link to spelling!
If you want to put in a request, share with me your ways of remembering spellings, or show me photos of you trying out these ways of spellings, then email me on
Day 1: January February
Day 6: … on it and find out!
Day 13: CALM PAST REV – Spellings days 1-12 check!