Where learning is fuelled by creativity

Y4 Times tables check

6th February 2022 in STEM Team, Year 4

Multiplication tables are at the heart of everything in maths. Knowing these gives the learner power and understanding in multiplication, division and in so many real life situations! Children at TMS work extremely hard all through their school lives to learn their times tables, but in year 4, we work even harder!

The multiplication tables check is a national online test for pupils in Year 4. It will take place in June 2022. Pupils are asked to answer 25 questions on a variety of times tables, from two to 12. They are given six seconds (which is actually quite a long time!) per question, with three seconds of rest between each question. This means the test should last less than five minutes. speed is not the important part of these tests, children need to learn not to rush and above all else, be accurate with their answers.

Questions about the six, seven, eight, nine, and 12 times tables are likely to come up most often, as these are the hardest for most children to learn. It’s a good idea to focus on these tricky times tables with your child at home, reciting and revisiting them frequently – this will also happen in class. First and foremost, the check is about finding out which children are struggling with their times tables so that we can give them extra support. It is not a judgement on what your child can do, but a way for us, as teachers, to know how their learning is going and to adjust our focus if needed. As always, please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions! To familiarise your child with the format of the test, have a go at this version of a practise one with them – https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/



Other websites which we recommend to use are below: remember – accuracy goes before speed!!

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