Where learning is fuelled by creativity

Year 4 learning Fun!

22nd October 2020 in Maths ( & STEM), Year 4

Year 4 have had a lot of fun learning about classification keys.  We even made our own classifying sweets.   This led onto our learning about habitats and we took advantage of the sunshine and explored the habitat of our school grounds.  The children found worms, spiders, slugs, snails and even a toad.  Look out for plants and animals this weekend and where they are living.


Anyone know anything about ‘CRUMBLE’? Just as year 4!!


Year 4 have been amazing with their home learning.  Thank you again for all of your support at home. The children have taken pride in sharing what they have been learning with the class.


Wow!  Araya took her home learning one step further with a presentation about a Royal Python by bringing in her step dad and Jake the snake.  In year 4 we have been learning about animal classification and Araya shared her learning with both year 4 classes today.

Here are some questions our children asked.
Test them to see if they remember the answers.
Is a snake warm blooded or cold blooded? What does a snake like to eat ?  Why are they patterned?  Do the poo? Do they lay eggs or give birth to live young?

and to finish off with, a bit of Roman Numerals!

What an exciting time in year 4!


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