Children at TMS understand that no one should be treated differently/less favourably because they belong to a specific group. It is also discussed that it may appear that some groups of children are treated unfairly, but children with different needs may need different levels of support.
TMS Equality policy is key in developing an understanding of inclusion across the school.
The 9 Protected characteristics are introduced explicitly through inclusion assemblies. Through the wider curriculum, as well as through English (in particular the reading spine and reading texts) groups with protected characteristics are represented.
The 9 Protected Characteristics are:
There is a strong SEND team at TMS and inclusion and diversity is embedded into the ethos and vision of the school.
TMS has a growing number of children with English as an additional language, as well as from different cultures and religions. Children are encouraged to challenge prejudge, with their understanding of the protected characteristics.
We have also started to use the book No Outsiders in our School: teaching the Equality Act in Primary Schools by Andrew Moffatt. This book provides support and resources to schools to deliver the objectives outlined in the Equality Act which make it against the law to discriminate against an individual because of a range of protected characteristics.
The No Outsiders resource provides lesson plans for each primary school year group (EYFS – Y6) based on a selection of picture books.
Issues addressed include: gender and gender identity, religion, race, sexual orientation, disability and age. The focus of the programme is around noticing, celebrating and developing resilience around diversity. Through discussion and activities based upon the picture books, children are encouraged to show respect and develop their understanding of diversity.