
Where learning is fuelled by creativity

What is science?

Science is the process of learning about the natural world through observation and experimentation. Scientists use evidence, along with active thinking, to explain what is happening in the natural world.

Being a scientist means finding out about the world around us by gathering information and testing our ideas through investigations, observation, research and asking questions.

Biology: This is the study of living things.

Chemistry: This is the study of properties of matter and how matter interacts with energy.

Physics: This is the study of the relationship of objects, forces, and energy,

Our Intent at TMS in science is that children:

  • have knowledge and understanding through the disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology
  • develop curiosity and excitement about natural phenomena
  • develop scientific enquiry to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • understand how science is key to advancements and want to expose children to STEM careers, making learning aspirational
  • develop their ‘working scientifically’ skills by using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently and continuing to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings.
  • learn explicitly the knowledge presented on the TMS launchpads

Science is implemented by:

  • clear sequential learning led by the TMS launchpads
  • a practical and enquiry based approach to allow children to discover and apply scientific knowledge.
  • displaying a range of recording strategies to record the learning in science curriculum books
  • ensuring that there is 5-7 hours of science learning per unit
  • learning activities to support the learning are selected and designed, providing appropriate challenge to all learners, in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.
  • by using a ‘plan, do, review’ cycle when using a scientific  investigation.

The impact of learning in science is assessed by:

  • children being able to talk about their learning.
  • children having opportunities to ‘show what you know’.
  • half termly Socrative assessments (KS2)
  • pupil conferencing

As scientists we ...

  • work scientifically and ask questions
  • be confident in using practical skills in a variety of way, including fieldwork
  • plan and carry out scientific investigations
  • explain our knowledge and understanding using scientific vocabulary through speaking, drawing diagrams and charts and written explanations
  • solve challenging problems
  • use our imaginations
  • be passionate about science
  • learn about science in the past, now and future technologies

Being a scientist, I can be ...

  • an Astronaut
  • a Biologist
  • a Chemist
  • a Meteorologist
  • a Veterinarian
  • a Zoologist
  • a Palaeontologist
  • an Environmental scientist
  • a Physicist
  • a Botanist
  • an Ecologist
  • a Marine biologist
  • Geologist
  • Computer scientist
  • a Politician
  • a Sustainability consultant
  • a Teacher

Being a scientist means finding out about the world around us by gathering information and testing our ideas through investigations, observation, research and asking questions.

Science curriculum overview - Scope - EYFS to Year 6


Click here for Science National Curriculum

Pedagogy of science

Launchpads - End points!



Command Modules : How we record our enquiry based learning at TMS!

Virtual Floorbook

SEND adaptations

Examples of SEND adaptations in science:

Assessment in Science

How science promotes SMSC @ TMS

How science promotes British Values @ TMS