
Where learning is fuelled by creativity

Our Intent at TMS in writing is that children:

  • have the confidence to write, through well developed phonic and spelling knowledge, a well taught pencil grip and letter formation to encourage stamina for writing.
  • write through a motivating and varied STAR learning experience which gives the children the chance to write for range of contexts, purposes and genres that are organised into 4 main areas: writing to inform, writing to entertain, writing to persuade and writing to discuss. All areas of writing and genres are laid out with a progression of grammatical features.

Writing is implemented by:

  • by understanding it is an integral part of our daily STAR curriculum.
  • using English curriculum books to record our learning, so that the writing is contextualised and children are able to see their own progress.
  • learning grammar by it being  explicitly taught as  a continual expectation when writing across the school and is supported by games and activities to reinforce the learning.
  • maintaining a high standard in basic skills. We expect children to be correcting spelling and grammatical errors through marking and feedback.
  • tasks being planned and sequenced over a unit, developing each aspect of that genre before putting the whole piece together.

The impact of learning in writing is assessed by:

  •  formative assessments including half termly, independent writing assessments.
  •  EYFSP, KS1 SATS, Y3/4/5 termly NfER assessments (grammar and spelling) and in the end of KS2 SATS.

Sequence of learning in writing

Year Group Writing Launchpads 2024-2025

SEND Adaptations in Writing

Handwriting @ TMS

Handwriting progression @ TMS

Spelling & Grammar @ TMS


Word classes


or download them by clicking here: TMS posters punctuation and grammar