RSHE – Sex Education (PSHE) @ TMS

Where learning is fuelled by creativity

Threemilestone School is built on the ethos of positive, respectful, healthy relationships. Relationships are integral to the Relationship policy (positive behaviour policy), and the policy references neuroscience, Trauma Informed Approach amongst others as the basis of how we support children to develop at Threemilestone School.

Children are taught PSHE explicitly through lessons using ‘Lifewise’ as a resource, as well as complemented by PSHE Association resources.

Families and people who care about me:
Relationships can give love support and security, characteristics of a committed, healthy family life, respect for a difference in family set ups, unhealthy family relationships

Caring relationships:
Friendships are important in making us feel happy and safe, characteristics of friendships, how to resolve difficulties, trust and how to seek help in unhealthy friendships

Respectful relationships:
Respecting those different physically, personality, background, courtesy and manners, self respect, bullying, stereotypes and consent

Online relationships:
People can behave differently online, how to maintain respectful relationships and how to report if there is a unhealthy or unsafe relationship, how data is shared

Being safe:
Understanding boundaries (including online), privacy, unsafe and safe contact (including Bubbles to Protect), recognise and report feelings of feeling unsafe,

Relationship education is statutory and the 32 statements are found here

Relationship & Sex Education

Threemilestone School seek to use the very best resources to support the learning of Relationship & Sex Education. The resources which the school use are taken from PSHE Association, LifeWise, Brooke and Christopher Winter

Sex Education is not compulsory BUT puberty, naming external body parts, human development from birth to old age and reproduction in animals must be taught to all pupils because it is part of the Science National Curriculum in primary schools.

Children are given through science as well as Sex Education, information to be well prepared for adolescence. When appropriate, gender identity is discussed sensitively and respectfully. Correct vocabulary is used and misconceptions are addressed. 

Consent is prioritised as a focus for discussion. The law and unhealthy relationships are discussed when appropriate. 

Any safeguarding concerns will be reported to the DSL/DDSL and parents/carers if necessary. 

The Relationship & Sex Education policy has gone to parents/carers for consultation

For information – statutory statements:

Relationship education is statutory and the 32 statements are found here

Health education is statutory and the 35 statements are found here

RSHE Launchpads: End Points 2023-2024

Brooke handouts to support families at home

Brooke offer information leaflets on menstruation, LGBT terminology guidance & consent.

Brook – Terminology LGBT handout

Brook – Period handout

Brook – Puberty handout

Brook -Consent handout

Brooke – Terminology Guide

There is also valuable information on  which we have built into the curriculum.

Brooke – Guide for families Mencap – SEND

Brooke – Sexual expression – SEND

RSE Policy & Consultation with parents/carers

RSE Curriculum & Progression of learning

RSE- Year 1

RSE – Year 2

RSE – Year 3

RSE – Year 4


RSE – Year 5

RSE – Year 6