Physical health and mental wellbeing education is statutory part of RSHE curriculum and the 35 statements are found here
Children are taught explicitly through PSHE lessons, using ‘Lifewise’ as a resource, as well as complemented through assemblies and through class discussion.
The progression of learning for PSHE @ TMS is found here.
- Mental wellbeing: There is a normal range of emotions people feel, children are taught a vocabulary linked to feelings, benefits of physical well being on mental wellbeing, self care, recognition of loneliness, bullying impacts mental wellbeing.
- Internet safety and harms: The internet has many benefits, the importance of screen time discussion, respectful online behaviour, and can have a negative affect on mental health. Children are taught how to report concerns. Online safety forms a part of the computing curriculum (iLearn2) and is supplemented by Natterhub.
- Physical health and fitness: Benefits of a healthy lifestyle, risks associated with unhealthy lifestyle, how to report risks or concerns.
- Healthy eating: Balanced diet and risks associated with unhealthy diet.
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco: Facts about harmful substances and risks. This includes medicine and legal drugs.
- Health and prevention: Recognise early signs of illness, dangers of the sun exposure, sleep, oral hygiene, personal hygiene and vaccinations.
- Basic first aid: How to call for emergency services, concepts of basic first aid.
- Changing adolescent body: Puberty (Brooke handout on Puberty here)- physical and emotional changes, menstruation (Brooke handout on periods – here). This is found in the science curriculum, as well as an integral part of the RSE curriculum.