Where learning is fuelled by creativity

From the Head

19th May 2023 in Headteacher's Update

The amazing weather always has such a positive impact on our children at TMS! Being able to enjoy our outside space, whether that be at play, during PE, or with some fantastic maths and science lessons happening outside this week, being in our natural environment is so very special and so important for our wellbeing. Mr Osborne continues to be making progress in our TMS garden in the back field by the Thunder Park – we can’t wait to show you when you visit the school at the end of the year. 

We have also welcomed our friend of the school Grace Murdoch back to work with Year 5 and 6 on dance. She is so talented and enthusiastic – she has an amazing skill of  stretching our children in their athletic ability, combined with creativity. Thank you Grace for enabling our children to succeed! 

Next week sees us wish our Year 6s well on their visit to London. They have such an exciting itinerary and my thanks go to Miss Hawken for her incredible organisation skills, and our staff to take time away from their own families to take on the enormous responsibility of ensuring that our TMS children have the best time ever.  

As well as the London visit coming up, we also have the Y5s on a geography field trip to St Agnes, the Y2s off to Paradise Park and the Y4s being involved in a STEM project – so many things to cram in before half term!

Last week we also said  goodbye and good luck to the brilliant Ms Tocher! Working with so many children and making a positive impact in the 12 years she has spent with us, we say a massive thank you to her for her dedication. We wish her all the best for the future!

Ms Teagle – Headteacher

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