Where learning is fuelled by creativity

From the Head

9th June 2023 in Headteacher's Update

We are fully in the midst of summer term excitement! There doesn’t seem to be a day go by without something extraordinary happening. The Year 3 residential was just amazing – with children being taken out of their comfort zone learning how to surf and bodyboard. Together with a Beach BBQ, cave exploring and beach games, we had a brilliant time. Next week, a group of Year 4s are off to Bristol. As always, I am so incredibly grateful to our teaching and support staff who value these experiences so much, to take time out of their own family life, to enhance the curriculum offer at TMS. I am sure you can imagine how much hard work goes into these residentials, but so rewarding when we see your children achieve so much. 

We have also started the Year 6 on their transition journey, whilst also preparing for our KS2 writing moderation next week. 

Next week, as well as Bristol, we are having our Inclusive Dyslexia Friendly Status accreditation day, where Mrs Ewart and Mrs Webb are able to talk through the success, the strategies and provision put in place to ensure that our school really is understanding and proactive in identifying needs and training staff to adapt the curriculum for all children to succeed.  Thank you to all staff for embracing the hard work we have put into this for the benefit of our children.

It is usually this time of year, we let families know about classes for next year. As you are aware, there are many budgetary implications for next academic year, which has meant that we have had to delay some decisions. We endeavour to let everyone know next week, so that we can start the transition process and start planning for September!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Ms Teagle – Headteacher

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