There has been much excitement this week, especially in the Y6 end of school! With lots of big emotions of excitement and anticipation of their coming transition they have been brilliant showing off their swimming skills in their daily sessions, and as well as planning their summer fayre stalls! We hope you enjoyed them and had as much fun as our children hoped you would have! Some of our year 6 have enjoyed the role of Y6 mentors to our younger children this week as well and have been brilliant in their patience, understanding and kindness – what fantastic role models they have been.
Our year 6 are to be congratulated on receiving their SATS results this week. All children deserve to feel really proud as the result of their preparation of hard work has been validated by their scores. A massive well done from our TMS staffing team to every single child.
SPORTS AFTERNOONS …Next week we have our sports afternoons planned – starting at 130. It isn’t the best weather forecast. If it is safe to do so, we will go ahead – with children wearing jumpers and rainwear (please send in with them on the morning). Activities may be altered and it may be quicker than usual, and parents, please bring your own umbrellas! If it not safe to do so, unfortunately we will have to cancel the event. This is really the last resort as we value the sporting afternoons and we know that as parents, arrangements for time off work have been made well in advance. We will send a ParentPay message by 10am each morning to confirm either way.
Next Friday will be the last days for some members of staff who will be greatly missed. We say a massive good luck and goodbye to Mr Bagley, who will be leaving teaching after 10 years at TMS. Mr Rutterford is taking up a years secondment in Pensans school – they are lucky to have him for a year! Miss Hodges in the office is also leaving us – inspired by our staff and children at TMS and she is starting a teacher training course – so a massive good luck to her
Ms Teagle – Headteacher
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