Where learning is fuelled by creativity

From the Head

28th April 2023 in Headteacher's Update

The highlight of this week has been our Athlete day on Tuesday! We were so excited to hear stories from Jessica Roper (Olympic Kickboxer) to inspire our children. The children also took part in a fitness challenge, raising  money for school sports equipment, as well as money for the company raising profiles of athletes across the country. What an inspiring day and thank you to Mrs Beckett for organising it so well. The children were exhausted (and very excited) by the end of the day! We have raised over £1700 which is an incredible achievement – thank you.

A massive thank you to our families in Year 3 and 4 for working with the school yesterday when our members of staff took the hard decision to strike. As you know, the current situation with budgets in schools is  incredibly worrying and will affect all your children in one way or another. In advance, we thank you for Tuesday as well, when classes in Years 3 and 4 will be closed again. 

We hope you have a wonderful bank holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week – ending with our exciting Monarchy day to learn more about the Coronation, as well as the role of the monarchy over time.  

Ms Teagle – Headteacher

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