We hope you enjoyed the Coronation weekend, and noticed all the symbolic historical moments throughout the celebration: the children were certainly full of excitement when they returned on Tuesday!
This week has given our brilliant year 6s the opportunity to show off their hard work, commitment and learning they have experienced in the last 7 years. We are so proud of every one of them. They have set themselves realistic targets and prepared really well – there’s nothing more we could have asked of them. They approached the tests with maturity and determination, and their ‘spirit and sparkle’ was commented on by our Governing Body, who took on the role of monitoring the administration of the tests throughout the week – thank you to them. We especially enjoyed the Brainy Breakfasts everyday – a fantastic way to start the day, with friends and food: thank you to the Year 6 staff for coming in early each morning to prep the food and hall to make our children feel at ease, starting the day positively.
We have also welcomed Mr Knight to our staffing team this week. He is currently a SCITT student, mentored by Mrs Brown, and in September, he will be one of our EYFS class teachers. It is fantastic to have him onboard: exciting times ahead!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday!
Ms Teagle – Headteacher
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