After 17 years, we finally said our sad goodbyes to Mr Hick, who will be joining Chacewater School as their new Headteacher – how lucky are they!? The day was spent celebrating Mr Hick’s impact on the school, sharing memories and having a lot of fun with children and staff past and present!
All children surprised Mr Hick by dressing up or bringing in props using him as inspiration… we had crazy wigs, Chelsea shirts, (and Arsenal shirts to annoy him!), designer maths clothes, lots of bald heads – the list goes on. Only answering one question right in his quiz in assembly, Mr Hick also ended up with 14 buckets of water poured over him!
Mr Hick – you have impacted the lives of so many children and their families, as well as staff. We know TMS won’t be the same without you, but we wish you all the success and happiness in your new school.
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