Where learning is fuelled by creativity

STEM Rocket workshop!

19th October 2023 in STEM Team, Year 5
Year 5 had the most amazing day on Wednesday, taking part in a Soaring STEM workshop and making rockets with George our special guest.
Our day started with an exciting assembly on the evolution of rockets over time, getting to know their history and watching some fascinating rocket launches. George then gave us a brilliant demonstration on how to make a basic rocket which would form the basis of our own rockets for the day – this was really helpful and made sure that we all had a good chance of being successful.
Once we returned to the classroom, we paired up to make our own rockets – all of the grown-ups were impressed with our brilliant teamwork, determination and creativity when making rockets. George spent lots of time talking to us throughout about being engineers and scientists and the kinds of skills we would need when tackling any kind of project.
Even though the weather conditions were not ideal, we headed outside once our rockets were built to test them out. Our results were varied to say the least! Some of our rockets exploded, some soared for miles and others went just a short distance. We had rockets making loop-the-loops, rockets veering off course and some heading up into the sky. Whether our rockets were successful or not, we were resilient and enjoyed the testing process with a smile on our faces.
After round 1 of testing, George helped us to make tweaks and improvements. We looked closely at the rockets that were successful to see what they had in common and what ideas we could steal to create our own new rocket. In the afternoon, we took part in testing session number two where many more rockets experienced success and could be seen soaring across the playground.
We cannot thank George enough for an exciting and engaging day which inspired so many of us. The staff in Year 5, loved seeing the children problem-solving and cooperating brilliantly. What a super end to a term of science and space learning!

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