Where learning is fuelled by creativity

TMS PARLIAMENT: Should TMS have ‘Snack while you learn’ days every Friday until Easter?

13th February 2020 in TMS Parliament

Some great ideas for a motion put to MPs, and they finally decided that this would be the best debate to come forward:

Should TMS have ‘Snack while you learn’ day every Friday until Easter?

Great debating skills across the school, gaining more confidence as the terms go by.

And the results:

FOR: 297 . (65%)

AGAINST: 163 (35%)


So, every Friday between now and Easter will be ‘snack while you learn day’. This means that children will be able have their snacks throughout the day, rather than just waiting until break and lunchtime. Children may, or may not bring in additional food for that day, and some children may not want to do this, although they have the option. Healthy snacks throughout the day are always recommended.

For children with allergies, it is important that they too are able to follow this motion through, as well as their class mates ; therefore, within those specific classes there will be discussions as to what foods may be brought in, and use it as an opportunity to think further about food choices and working as a team to ensure that everyone is welcome and differences are understood and supported. If in any doubt, parents, please contact your class teacher to advise them of choices.

MPs,  you did a fantastic job with your speeches – great confidence showing, as well as well thought out arguments.


All staff are really excited about this one – Mr Newsome especially!





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